Monday 31 January 2011

A Little Natural Light

So I don't know about other photographers but I love to look at other photographers photos; see what they're doing and sometimes try to incorporate some of their techniques/styles into my own photography. For this reason I decided to play with using only natural lighting. Below are a couple of end products from a mini shoot with my boys and a little nautral light. (I love how there are no shadows!)

Thursday 27 January 2011

All About the Eyes

I have seen other photographers pictures and was amazed at how the eyes of their subjects were so intense. Today I set out to figure out how to enhance and change the eyes in a photograph. I used my kiddos as my subject matter and below are the results. This first picture of my little guy is the original without any edits.

Below is a black and white of the original. (Eyes seem too dark.)

Then I played with the brightness and contrast of his eyes. (Maybe too much with the baby blue background.)

Then a black and white after the eyes had been altered. (Like them much better then original.)

With my second little guy I changed the color of the eyes. Here is the original.

A little on the blue purple side, but more vibrant then the original.
Black and white after the alterations.

Overall I like changing the brightness and contrast more than color. Seems more true to form. Fun, quick, edit that I will be using a lot more often.